North Bend Art & Industry

North Bend Art & Industry


ArtNon ProfitsNon-profit Organizations

About Us

North Bend & Industry is a 501c3 non-profit community organization whose mission is provide access to art of all kinds to communith members and visitors of the Snoqualmie Valley, by developing a Makerspace


Train Maintenance Shed, before it was moved to the NBA&I Property
Train Maintenance Shed, before it was moved to the NBA&I Property
Train Maintenance Shed, before it was moved to the NBA&I Property
Train Maintenance Shed, before it was moved to the NBA&I Property
First Winter at NBA&I
First Winter at NBA&I
First Winter at NBA&I
First Winter at NBA&I
Eagle Scout Community Art Project
Eagle Scout Community Art Project
Eagle Scout Community Art Project
Eagle Scout Community Art Project
Beth Burrows (center) Founder of NBA&I
Beth Burrows (center) Founder of NBA&I
Beth Burrows (center) Founder of NBA&I
Beth Burrows (center) Founder of NBA&I
Rise with Art 2019
Casting concrete leaves at Rise with Art 2019
What our Carousel originally looked like.... and will again, someday